- Holmdel Public Schools
- Curriculum Programs and Core Materials
Academic Resources
- Brookdale High School Based Programs:
https://www.brookdalecc.edu/admissions/getting-started/ dual-enrollment-for-high- school-students/
- NJSTARS Program
- Brookdale High School Based Programs:
Literacy: Fountas & Pinnell Classroom, Fundations (K-1), Into Reading (3)
Math: Envisions
Science: Knowing Science, Generation Genius
Social Studies: Scholastic, teacher-curated resources
Intervention: Leveled Literacy Intervention, Orton Gillingham, Acadience Learning, Forefront Number Sense, Goalbook
Other Resources: Learning A-Z, Scholastic, EPIC, Freckle, Dash and Dot, BrainPop Jr., Type to Learn, PearDeck, Adobe Express, MackinVia, World Book, Pebble Go, BookFlix, Extempore (ESL)
Assessments: MAP, Benchmark Assessment System, local assessments, Heggerty Screener (K)
Literacy: Into Reading (4/5), StudySync, novel-based (6), No Red Ink, Common Lit
Math: Envisions, Into Math, MyPath (iReady), Reflex Math, IXL (6th-honors)
Science: Knowing Science (4-5), Discovery Education TechBook, Open Sci-Ed (grade 6), Generation Genius (4-5), Gizmos (6)
Social Studies: TCI (4), DiscoveryEd (5), HMH (6), Scholastic, teacher-curated resources, Newsela
Intervention: Leveled Literacy Intervention, Orton Gillingham, Acadience Learning, Forefront Number Sense, Goalbook
Other Resources: Learning A-Z, Scholastic, EPIC, Freckle, Newsela, Ozobots, Dash and Dot, Strawbees (STEAM), Inner Orbit (5-6), BrainPop, PearDeck, Adobe Express, MackinVia, Makerbot, IXL, Extempore (ESL)
Assessments: MAP, Benchmark Assessment System, local assessments.
English: English Novel List by Course, Common Lit, No Red Ink, Newsela
Math: Envisions (7,8), McGraw Hill (Algebra), McDougal Littell (honors Algebra), McGraw Hill (honors Geometry)
Science: Open Sci-Ed, Gizmos
Social Studies: American History: Reconstruction to the Present ( Grade 7), , We the People (Action Civics-Grade 7), History Alive! The Medieval World and Beyond-TCI (World History- Grade 8)
Other Resources: IXL, PearDeck, BrainPop, Adobe Express, Lego Robotics, MackinVia, AccessIt, EdPuzzle, Makerbot, Lulzbot, Arduino Development Software, Minecraft EDU, Bloxl, Lasercutter (VLS3.5). others Extempore (ESL)
Assessments: LinkIt!, local common assessments, Inner Orbit (science)
English: English Novel List by Course, Mirrors and Windows (Grades 9-10), Literature and Language Arts: World Literature (Grade 11), Timeless Voices, Timeless Themes (Grade 12)
Math: Big Ideas (Alg I/II, Geometry), Stewart (Honors Algebra II)
Science: Course dependent (see textbook list below)
Social Studies: World History (World Civilizations), Earth and Its Peoples (AP World History), United States History (USH 1 and USH 2), Out of Many (USH 1 Advanced Honors and AP USH)
Assessments: LinkIt!, local common assessments, Inner Orbit (science)
Other Resources: CommonLit, NoRedInk, Newsela, Extempore (ESL), IXL, Peardeck, EdPuzzle, Adobe Express, AutoDesk - AutoCAD
AutoDesk - Revit, Sketchup, IronPython, Arduino Development Software
Adobe Suite (Photoshop, Illustrator, After Effects, Animate, InDesign), Enscape, Makerbot, Lulzbot
CNC Machine Software Autodesk Autocad + Lasercutter (VLS4.60/75 Standard Table Driver), Shining 3D,Styncl, others
Other Technology Resources (district)
- Learning Ally, iReady, Gopo